Synthesis & Mechanical Properties of Hetero-Structured Immiscible FeCr-Mg Composites Via Liquid Meta
- 일시 2023-05-11 16:30 ~ 20:30
- 장소 율곡관 B01호
- 연사 정연범 박사님
- 소속 LG에너지솔루션
In this study, we tried to fabricate heterostructure composite by liquid metal dealloying system and to identify deformation behavior during the tensile test. As shown in Fig 1. (a), the dealloying system is based on the mixing enthalpy relationship. When Precursor (Fe40Cr10Ni50) alloy is immersed in the Mg liquid melt as shown in Fig. 1. (a), FeCr does not respond with Mg (positive mixing enthalpy), but the element Ni reacted with Mg, so eventually develop a composite of FeCr (Hard) – Mg (Soft) having dramatically different mechanical strength. Fig.1. (b) show microstructure after liquid metal dealloying and it can confirm that the microstructure consists of the ligament (FeCr) and melt (Mg). Fig.1.(c) shows the mechanical properties of the present composite and the mechanical properties predicted by the rule of mixture (ROM). We found that the mechanical properties of the present composite exhibited higher yield strength and elongation compared to the same contents of FeCr and Mg calculated by ROM. We would like to interpret this improvement in mechanical properties through the association of dislocation and interfaces.